Frequently Asked Questions
How do I use onlinemeasures.com?
If you are a painter or a plasterer , we have a price package for different size projects .
Press “PRICE TABLE” press either SILVER, GOLD or PLATINUM price plan that suits your project. Once you press one of the price plans you will be taken to a page to fill out your contact/project details. If you have files to upload please do here or send a link of your project. Press “SEND” you will be taken to our PayPal . Once your payment has been made you will receive a confirmation email from Onlinemeasures.com.
We will have your project sent to you in 5-7 days.
What if Im not a painter or plasterer or my project differs from your price table?
Please go to “MENU” and press “CONTACT US”. Here you can add your contact details with a detailed description of your project, you can either upload a file of your plans or send us a link of your project. Onlinemeasures.com will have a quotation sent to you normally within 24 hours.
What do you do measure?
Onlinemeasures.com measure everything in the building and construction fields.
Will Onlinemeasures.com measure my projects anywhere in the world?
Yes we do projects worldwide. We can measure your project in the Metric system or Imperial System.

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